We would like our wines to give enjoyment and pleasure to the people consuming it, but also benefit people elsewhere. The vineyard has therefore committed to support a specific charity each year.
Chilworth Manor Rosé will support the work of Mary's Meals helping chronically hungry children across the world. Our donation will specifically aid their project in Malawi providing school children with one good meal every school day.
To this day Malawi is home to Mary's Meals largest school feeding programme. Malawi remains one of the poorest countries in the world and faces huge challenges in education, access to healthcare and widespread child malnutrition. By providing a daily meal in a place of learning, they meet the immediate needs of hungry children and encourage them to go to school to gain an education that can, in the future, be their ladder out of poverty.
Mary’s Meals reach hundreds of thousands of primary aged children across the country, where they work closely with schools and community volunteers who help prepare and serve the nutritious meals every school day. Because of this programme, more learners are coming to school, staying in school and improving their grades. If Mary’s Meals were to stop feeding, there would be lots of absenteeism.
We are pleased to have played a small part to these improvements. We will continue to support Mary’s Meals' Malawi project in 2019.
You can read more about the work of Mary's Meals on their website.